Saturday, October 30, 2010

The "Non-Date" Update

If anyone has read my blog regarding my wonderful "Non-Date" experience, I thought that it might be a good idea to do an update.

My "Non-Date" date, Zach Cruse, is now my boyfriend, and thanks to my amazing best friend Lauren, we're pretty much ecstatically happy together.  Cliche as it may be, it's definitely thanks to her.  Momma Lauren got it perfectly right, and her "love-tinglies" deserve all of the credit.  So to her, I say, thanks for caring enough to want me to be happy, and for setting me up with someone so amazing.  And to Zach, I say, thanks for being awesome, and not a creeper.  I would have felt bad if I had to use my pink can of pepper spray that night.

As for my prom date disaster, prom was really fun, but the date part didn't last.  That interest fizzled and died, and I think his interest in me fizzled sooner than I thought, or maybe wanted.

I think that everything happens for a reason, and that I've been extremely blessed to have a friend that truly cares and a boyfriend that exceeds any expectation I may have ever had for a relationship.  So to God, I pray thanks for the blessings You have bestowed upon me, and for the amazing people You have put in my life.

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